Kubernetes — workload management

1 min readFeb 21, 2024


defined with fields, including selector that specifies how to identify pods it can acquire, number of replicas should be running. it uses pod template to create new pod.


workload API object used to manage stateful applications. guarantees ordering and uniqueness of pods. use if you want persistence for workload.


Ensure that all nodes run a copy of pod. as nodes are added to the cluster.

  • running cluster storage daemon
  • running a log collection daemon
  • running node monitoring


You describe desired state and deployment controller changes actual state to desired state at controlled rate. you can define deployments to create new ReplicaSets, or to remove existing deployments and adopt all their .

ReplicaSet vs StatefulSet vs Deployments

ReplicaSets ensure certain amount of pods are running at any given time.

StatefulSets are for ensuring that applications are stable, unique identities are used and have persistent storage.

deployments are higher-level controllers and provide features like rolling updates, rollbacks and declarative management of replica sets

