Systemd service scripts

1 min readJan 31, 2024


[ Unit ]

  • Before=start service before specified service
  • after=start service after specified service
  • description=human readable title of systemd service

[ Service ]

ExecStart=command that needs to be executed when the service starts.

  • ExecReload=how service is restarted.
  • Type=indicates start-up type of process for given systemd service.(simple, exec, forking, oneshot, dbus, notify and idle)
  • Restart=specifies if service should be restarted-depending on circumstances — or not.(no, on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal,on-watchdog, on-abort, always)

[ Install ]

installation of systemd service/unit file. This is used when you run systemctl start / systemctl disable

  • WantedBy=similar to After and Before fields, but difference is that this is used to specify systemd-equivalent “runlevels”. The default target is when all system initialization is complete when the user is logging in.
  • RequiredBy=similar to WantedBy but the difference is that this field specifies hard dependencies. Meaning if dependency fails this service will fail

Example script:

[ Unit ]
Description=example systemd service unit file

[ Service ]
ExecStart=/bin/bash /usr/sbin/

[ Install ]

